Monday, August 27, 2012

4 & 5 of Dagny's story

As I was out of town, I was unable to post the last two parts of the story my little sister released to Swimming World Magazine.

Part 4

Part 5

I chose not to write any of my own personal experience with this because this is her story. If you, or anyone that you knows, needs someone to talk to about an eating disorder, please, do NOT hesitate to contact me or my little sister.

Leadership Retreat

This past weekend, I attended a Leadership Retreat through my school (Metro State University). Before I left, I thought of a number of reasons of why I shouldn't go, but in the end I am so glad that I went. We took a charter bus to Sandstone, MN. Unfortunately, there was a ton of construction and the 1.5hrs turned into 3 on the bus. As soon as we arrived, we were assigned our cabins, had lunch, and dove right into our first learning experience. I was lucky to experience the high ropes course. If you have never done one of these, I highly recommend one. I have a fear of heights and faced my fear in order to do it. At the end of the course, we got to go on the zipline. So fun! That evening, we ended the night with a bonfire, and went to bed. Unfortunately, I had 3 roommates that wanted to stay up talking until 3am, and I was already uncomfortable from sleeping on a bunk bed that was as comfortable as what I imagine a pack 'n play to be.

                                                              (The high ropes course)

Day two, we had a lot of workshops to attend. I felt that I got a lot out of our speakers that day. The focus for the weekend was social justice. At one of the sessions, I was blind folded and had to depend on my team to get me through an obstical course. We WON!! Another session, I had the opportunity to write some of my own struggles on a board and break the board with my hand. That day, I engaged in a lot of conversations with different people whom had various backgrounds. It was different to be the minority. That evening, once in bed, one of my roommates snore VERY loudly ALL night. Again, another sleepless night. Aside from the sleepless nights, I had an amazing time. I encourage everyone to spend time out of your comfort zone, meet new people, challenge yourself, educate yourself, and overcome fears. I look forward to the next opportunity that I will have to go on another retreat. However, it was amazing to come home to my boys and sleep in my own bed.

                                                        (A few of the retreat group)

                                                             (The lake we were on)

Today, I start my Junior year of college. I know, I know... I am taking the VERY long road on finishing school. I look forward to the learning experience, but I'm not excited about doing homework. 

(The boy I missed so much)

Friday, August 24, 2012

Little sister

I have already posted part one of my sister's story published by swimming world magazine, so I will paste the links for parts 2 and 3 here. Remember, it is never to late to get help, yourself, or to help someone else.

Part 2

Part 3

This is a five part story, so I will post the rest when I get home from "Camp!"

Hard to leave

Today, I am going to a Leadership Retreat about 90 minutes from the cities. I will only be gone for 48 hours, but during this time I will spend only my 3rd day away from Caleb in 14 months. The last time I was away from him was the beginning of March when we went to Vegas for Nick's 30th birthday. I have mixed reviews about going. I am very excited for the learning experience. However, I feel like a little kid going to camp for the first time; "hello mudder, hello fadder" comes to my mind.

I start back to school on Monday. My sister will watch Caleb while I attend night classes. I will also have online classes and a 5 week intensive class down the line. So, now I will leave you with my fears of leaving my sweet boy(s) on my last free weekend before the start of school.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Inexpensive Basement Remodel (hopefully)... BEFORE PICTURES

This morning, as I was enjoying my morning coffee and WCCO news, I decided what better time to get started on organizing the basement. Nick (the husband) and I (don't think I introduced myself, Kelcie) have decided to do an inexpensive remodel on our small basement. However, we need to find everything a home before we get started. Our basement is quite small, so we are only going to turn it into an office. 

In the back, we will organize into tubs. The tools will go into a tool chest and we will get a utility shelf for household/kitchen storage.

 The stairs we will finish off and then paint. We are unsure of what color we plan to pain them as of now. Under the stairs we plan to build some sort of shelving for extra storage.

 The walls we will paint white. I am not sure if we will paint an accent wall or not. That will be decided later on. We will then get carpet tiles for the floor and new light fixtures.

Somehow, we will need to enclose the water heater. Instead of finishing the ceiling, we will be painting it black (This way it will be cleaned up and not take away the space for walking). We will then bring a futon downstairs and desk. I am not sure that we will have room for anything else.

Right now it looks like a chaotic mess, but it will be exciting when it is finished. I, of course, will paste after photos. We need get this project done as soon as possible since we are both full-time students!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

ED... the Eating Disorder HELL!

Today, the first part of my little sister's article on her eating disorder came out. This has been a very emotional year for our family, but I am so very proud of her and what she has been able to accomplish. My little sister (we have different mom's) was the 2010 number one High School swimming recruit. I have been watching her swim for over a decade. At small meets, Olympic trials, High School meets, etc. She trained with the same coach as Ryan Lochte. She won a gold medal on a relay with Missy Franklin. She has been in Sports Illustrated.

I will never forget when she told me that she had an eating disorder. I will never forget the experience of checking her into treatment, or visiting her at treatment. She is releasing her story to help others. Depression can consume someones entire life. I know this too well, and unfortunately suffered with it myself for a long time. I look to my sister as an inspiration for others, a role model, and a leader.'s-Journey:-How-an-All-Consuming-Eating-Disorder-Shoots-Down-a-Rising-Star:-Part-One

If you are someone you know suffers from depression or an eating disorder, get them help. It is never too late!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Climb every curtain

Before I introduce myself, I will let you into my world by allowing you to get to know me through my job. I am a stay-at-home-mom to the one and only, "Cash Hoes!" I will, more than likely, always call him by his birth name, "Caleb." His name was a work in progress. Caleb was a name that his dad and I both agreed on (that was hard to find one, as to not make fun of with "Hoes"). Asher is his first middle name. This name was given to him to blend mom and dad's best friends' names (Ashley and Tyler.... Uncle Tyler didn't know why we wouldn't go with Tyshley). Souris is his second middle name. This name came from the flood that he was born during, but more on that later. Finally, Hoes! Best to embrace it!

Caleb was born a day before his dad and my first wedding anniversary on June 24, 2011. He has been the most amazing, scary, exciting, beautiful, joyful, and curious person I have ever been around! Following him around, baby-proofing every inch of our house has been interesting. He has figured out how to de-child proof the electric sockets. He knows how to climb the couches and then dive head first off. He pushes everything over to climb on top of so he can climb onto something higher. He has choked on ice, put his hand in hot coffee, taken many tumbles, been scratched in the face by the dog, but never the less he is resilient.

I have chosen to write this blog to share my family with yours. We are college students, new homeowners, new parents, born in the early to mid 80s. I hope to share home renovations, child stories, travel experiences, restaurant reviews, etc. with you. I have named my blog "Coffee is NOT for babies," because Caleb has time and time again tried and tried and tried to get hot coffee, or cold coffee, and I have repetitively said, "coffee is not for babies" to him. The only other name I could possibly think of was, "Caleb, NO!" I am convinced that all parents that decide to give there kids a middle name, should just go with "NO!" Until next time...