Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Climb every curtain

Before I introduce myself, I will let you into my world by allowing you to get to know me through my job. I am a stay-at-home-mom to the one and only, "Cash Hoes!" I will, more than likely, always call him by his birth name, "Caleb." His name was a work in progress. Caleb was a name that his dad and I both agreed on (that was hard to find one, as to not make fun of with "Hoes"). Asher is his first middle name. This name was given to him to blend mom and dad's best friends' names (Ashley and Tyler.... Uncle Tyler didn't know why we wouldn't go with Tyshley). Souris is his second middle name. This name came from the flood that he was born during, but more on that later. Finally, Hoes! Best to embrace it!

Caleb was born a day before his dad and my first wedding anniversary on June 24, 2011. He has been the most amazing, scary, exciting, beautiful, joyful, and curious person I have ever been around! Following him around, baby-proofing every inch of our house has been interesting. He has figured out how to de-child proof the electric sockets. He knows how to climb the couches and then dive head first off. He pushes everything over to climb on top of so he can climb onto something higher. He has choked on ice, put his hand in hot coffee, taken many tumbles, been scratched in the face by the dog, but never the less he is resilient.

I have chosen to write this blog to share my family with yours. We are college students, new homeowners, new parents, born in the early to mid 80s. I hope to share home renovations, child stories, travel experiences, restaurant reviews, etc. with you. I have named my blog "Coffee is NOT for babies," because Caleb has time and time again tried and tried and tried to get hot coffee, or cold coffee, and I have repetitively said, "coffee is not for babies" to him. The only other name I could possibly think of was, "Caleb, NO!" I am convinced that all parents that decide to give there kids a middle name, should just go with "NO!" Until next time...

1 comment:

  1. How fun to read! Caleb climbing Minnehahah Falls steps with daddy and grandpa in tow.
